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GIFT OF THE HEART Every congregant household who wishes to take part in Or Tzion High Holiday programming must make a Gift of the Heart commitment. Your Gift of the Heart includes your membership dues, High Holiday seats for you and your immediate family members (up to age 23) and your Yom Kippur appeal. High Holiday tickets and access to services are only available to congregants. Gift of the Heart asks congregants to participate in a voluntary giving model that creates sustained financial support so that Or Tzion can expand the opportunity to create positive memories and learning experiences for all of our members. Congregants making a Gift of the Heart commitment of $3,600 or more will become a member of the M’orot (Luminary) Society, a benefactor program of Congregation Or Tzion. For more information and to make your commitment if you have not already done so, please go to: (If you are unsure if you have made a Gift of the Heart pledge, please email Pam at
3. SEFER ZIKARON - BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE Every year, Congregation Or Tzion publishes the Sefer Zikaron, or Book of Remembrance. This is our congregants’ opportunity to memorialize the names of loved ones to be viewed when we pray Yizkor, beginning on Yom Kippur. If you wish to contribute names to the book, please review the options below and enter the information on your registration. There are multiple options for submissions to the Book of Remembrance Premium Page: $1000; fully customizable, plus images Full Page: $400; customizable Half Page: $200; lists up to 10 names Quarter Page: $100; lists up to 5 names Listed names: $18 per name Customizable pages may simply list names with your preferred wording, or include personal remembrances and/or memories. New this year, a Premium Page is a fully customizable page that can include text and one or more images of your loved one(s) you wish to include. Write your entry on the registration page or submit it to We reserve the right to edit submitted content and will consult with you through this process. To add your Book of Remembrance entry, simply click on ‘1’ from the dropdown menu to begin the process. Under Remembrance Categories and Costs, choose ‘yes’ to the question that applies to the category you wish to purchase; enter names in the appropriate boxes (please check spelling!). If you are a member of the M’orot Society, your commitment entitles you to a submission in the book at no extra charge: one-quarter page for those at the $3,600 level; one-half page for those at the $5,400 level; and a full page for those at the $7,200 or higher level. You do not need to submit your info on the registration page. Simply email your info to Amy (or ask any pertinent questions) at CHOOSE 'YES' BELOW TO LEARN MORE.
The PREMIUM and FULL PAGE option allows for 100% customization of the page. Please don't forget to include who is memorializing the names and/or story on the page. Here's a sample of a customized FULL page:
We lovingly remember: S_____ & S__ L____ (parents of E____ L____) A___ & M__ C______ (grandparents of D___ L___) A____ H L___ (father of D_____ L____) V___ A__ M_____ (sister of D_____ L____) You are forever in our hearts, The L____Family ____________________________________________
My grandfather, A____L___, was quite a character! He was a beloved teacher and highly sought-after photographer. A___ was a beloved husband, father, uncle, and grandfather and he loved his family fiercely in return. He always had hobbies; he spent decades collecting trains and antique toys, he earned his pilot's license, he loved to travel the country by car to see what each state had to offer, and he was a voracious reader and reciter of poetry. I was lucky enough to travel with my grandparents in their RV on several occasions where we listened to hours and hours of musicals and trucker music on cassette tapes. We drove hundreds of miles each day, but we were never allowed to ask the forbidden question, ‘are we there yet?’. For him, the beauty was in the journey, not the destination. A___ was always kind and generous to waiters, bellmen, and the wheelchair guys at the airport. He was witty in conversation and in writing. And he unabashedly loved his wife with every fiber of his being. When his great-grandson, A___, was younger, he too loved trains and played with them constantly. Born 4 years after A____'s passing, how I wish they could have shared that together! But it makes me believe that A___’s legacy lives on in his great-grandson.
You can submit your names and/or story after completing this registration page. Simply type 'Will submit later' in the text box and we'll follow up with you if you don't submit it in a timely manner. Please send full page content to Questions? Contact Amy at
Enter your donation amount above.